Vigil in Ocilla tonight honors crime victims

Published 11:40 am Wednesday, December 7, 2005

OCILLA — A candlelight vigil honoring victims of crime and their families is scheduled for 7 p.m. tonight at the Ocilla Community House. The event is held each year in either Irwin, Tift, Turner or Worth county, the counties in the Tift Judicial circuit.

Mary Meeler, Director of the Victim Assistance program of the system, said that everyone is invited to attend the ceremony and the reception that follows.

“We will also be recognizing law enforcement who have fallen in the line of duty and the troops serving in the military,” Meeler said. “The retired and the ones currently fighting the war will be honored.”

Meeler is asking anyone who has photographs of crime victims or present or former military personnel to bring those photographs to the service for display. Anyone with questions about the ceremony can contact Meeler at 386-7903.

Irwin County Sheriff Donnie Youghn will welcome those attending the ceremony. Ed Irby, manager of the Georgia Department of Veterans Affairs office serving Ben Hill, Irwin, Tift, Turner, Wilcox and Worth counties, and Superior Court Judge J. Harvey Davis will be keynote speakers.

Special music in song will be provided by Jeannie and Codie Baggett. The Lighting of the Candles, a tradition of the annual event, will include the Lightings of: Candles of Hope by Turner County Sheriff Randy Kendrick and Ashburn Police Chief Ben Sumner; Candles of Love by Tift County Sheriff Gary Vowell and Tifton Police Chief Jim Smith; Candles of Courage by Worth County Sheriff Freddie Tompkins and Sylvester Police Chief Tommy Bozeman; and Candles of Promise by Irwin County Sheriff Donnie Youghn and Ocilla Police Chief Billy Hancock.

District attorney Paul Bowden will provide a Special Remembrance of Fallen Law Enforcement Officers. Judy Rogers, Legal Advocate for Ruth’s Cottage will share the poem “We are Survivors and My name is Misty.”

Helium filled balloons representing various victims will be released to end the ceremony.

To contact reporter Angie Thompson, call 382-4321, ext. 208.