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High school healthcare science program receives industry certification

TIFTON — The Tift County Schools Board of Education was proud to recognize the Tift County High School ...


Various Tift County schools honored with PBIS operational school status

TIFTON — Tift County Schools institutions across all levels of education were recently honored by the Board of ...

Local News

Bicycles to fill Tift roads Saturday for Tour De Tifton

TIFTON — Bicyclers will fill Tifton’s roads this Saturday as the 15th annual Ilse Boyette Memorial Bike Ride/Tour De ...


City council approves mosquito control initiative in 3-2 split

TIFTON — In a split decision, the city council has approved its mosquito control initiative. Council members voted ...


Tift County Schools hears out revisions for alternative school models

TIFTON — Tift County Schools is looking to make a few revisions to their alternative education programs. Dr. ...


Southwell Medical in Adel welcomes Mark Kimball as chief operating officer

Southwell Medical has named Mark Kimball, MBA, FACHE, as its new chief operating officer (COO).


Voters will be asked next year whether to expand conservation tax breaks for farmers

Farmers may soon get more tax relief under a decades-old program designed to keep agricultural land out of ...


Albany executive tapped as state labor commissioner

Gov. Brian Kemp named a Southwest Georgia businesswoman Tuesday to serve as the state's 11th labor commissioner.


Tifton residents protest Austin Scott’s silence, backing of Trump policies

TIFTON — Protesters and picketers gathered before the local office of U.S. Rep. Austin Scott this weekend to ...


Georgia Department of Public Safety partnering with ICE

All 1,100 sworn officers at the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS) will receive training from U.S. Immigration ...

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Growing frustration with smartphones could lead to statewide ban in Georgia schools

A societal backlash against the dizzying distraction of smartphones has gained momentum in the General Assembly, where legislation ...


GBI seeks expansion of subpoena powers

The Georgia Bureau of Investigations would have expanded authority to compel telecommunications and internet companies to divulge subscriber ...


ZZ Top to perform live in Tifton

TIFTON — Residents of Tifton are in for the show of a lifetime when legendary rock band ZZ ...


Youths of the Year: Tifton Exchange Club honors outstanding young leaders

Though they could only award the title to one of them, the Tifton Exchange Club was certain all ...


Fulwood Park getting new amphitheater

A new amphitheater will soon be under construction at Fulwood Park. Demolition of the outdated stage began last ...


2 Tifton residents named to Phi Kappa Phi

BATON ROUGE, La. —  The following people recently were among those elected to membership into The Honor Society ...


Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. set to host scholarship pageant

The Kappa Psi Sigma Alumnae chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is set to host its first-ever ...


Tifton author Liz Carson Keith releases latest book “The Virginia Governess”

Holand Press, UK, recently announced availability of its newest imprint, "The Virginia Governess" by Tifton author Liz Carson ...


Chapo’s Tequilas and Grill celebrates five years and counting

TIFTON — Mexican restaurant Chapo’s Tequila and Grill recently celebrated their anniversary this past weekend, honoring more than ...


Legislature considers alternative path for corpses

Legislation that would regulate an alternative method for disposing of the dead is moving through the Georgia General ...