Kaycee Aultman wins second place in statewide competition

Published 12:00 pm Monday, April 8, 2019

TIFTON — Kaycee Aultman, a writing and communication major from Tifton at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, finished in second place in the recent statewide Georgia Collegiate Honors Conference for her research paper titled “The Performance Rhetoric of Hillary Clinton at the 2016 DNC.”

“This is the first time in at least eight years that an ABAC student has won a research award at the Georgia Collegiate Honors Conference,” Dr. Cyndy Hall, who has directed the ABAC Honors Program for the past eight years, said. “Since joining the ABAC Honors Program, Kaycee has taken every opportunity to embrace educational and professional engagement.”

The 2016 Tift County High School valedictorian, Aultman presented her work in 2017 in Washington D.C. at the National Collegiate Honors Conference with honors students from across America. She is the daughter of Stacy and Jerri Kaye Aultman of Tifton and serves as president of the ABAC Ambassadors.

“Now that ABAC is a four-year institution, the Honors Program has seen unprecedented growth in our students’ academic development,” Hall said. “Starting as freshmen, students like Kaycee are exposed to the academic world of research and then by the time they are juniors or seniors, they can compete on par with honors students from across the country.”

Hall said the ABAC Honors Program will introduce a new four-year program for students in May.