City council approves rezoning for daycare, apartment complex

Published 4:45 pm Wednesday, February 19, 2025

TIFTON — The Tifton City Council has approved a pair of rezoning requests allowing for the development of a daycare and an apartment complex.

During their Feb. 17 meeting, city council members gave the green light to rezoning applications requesting the reclassification of two parcels of property, sized 5.96 and 0.23 acres, for the purpose of constructing an apartment complex and a daycare, respectively.

The 5.96 acre property, owned by Stafford Kunes Investment and located near Carpenter Road, will be rezoned from Wholesale Light Industrial to Residential Professional, and will be developed into a 72-unit apartment complex, split between two buildings, with a pool, single entrance and exit, and 161 parking spaces.

Council members were informed by city planning and zoning administrator Loretta Hylton during their Feb. 3 workshop that Lucille Coleman, owner of the 0.23-acre property, planned to build a daycare capable of supporting up to 60 children on the vacant lot there.

Hylton also reported that both applications had met the requirements set by the city’s comprehensive plan and been approved by the planning and zoning commission.