Quality Employment to host fourth job fair

Published 7:55 pm Monday, March 10, 2025

TIFTON — Hiring agency Quality Employment is preparing to host its fourth annual career fair later this month.

Job seekers of Tifton will be invited to the Tift County Recreation Department the afternoon of March 18 to meet and apply for a job with a large and varied collection of businesses from the community and greater South Georgia region.

Amanda Brack, business development consultant for the agency, reported that the event currently has around 40 businesses signed up to participate and eager to find new employees to welcome to their teams, with registration for the fair currently open for any other local businesses interested in taking part.

Potential patrons of the career fair can expect to see job opportunities from a wide spectrum of companies, including Heatcraft, Coca-Cola, Williams Hotel Group, and the Tift County Sheriff’s Office.

As with previous years, tables will be made available for job seekers to conduct interviews with employers or fill out applications.

The career fair will take place from 3 to 6 p.m. Additionally, Quality Employment will host a second career fair in Moultrie in September. For more information, contact (229)386-8689.