EDITORIAL: Know news you can trust

Published 6:00 am Saturday, August 17, 2024

Information is powerful. 

Where we get information is crucial. 

Truth matters.

Facts matter.

Reading something on a social media feed or obscure website does not make it factual or true. 

Anyone can post anything at anytime. 

Relying on Facebook or Twitter fact checkers to filter out false information is putting way too much confidence in the social media giants. 

Know where the news and information you are consuming comes from, know the source. 

Newspapers are legitimate sources of trustworthy, reliable information for several reasons. The stories you read in newspapers have multiple sources, not just partisan voices. Newspaper articles quote people you know, names you recognize and sources you can rely on. 

Newspapers correct mistakes and do so in a transparent and visible way. 

Newspapers have websites with recognizable URLs or web addresses that are easily identified and not from some obscure location fed by unknown sources. 

Newspapers clearly distinguish between fact-based news reporting and opinion content, only placing commentary on editorial pages and clearly marking them as editorials or columns on the website. 

Finally, your local newspaper is written and produced by people you know. 

Yes, it is hurtful when people who do not like or agree with truthful, factual reporting call local reporters “fake news” or worse. 

Our team of reporters are your friends and neighbors and are committed to reporting facts, celebrating our community and holding the powerful accountable.

Our local reporters are dedicated to readers and value their personal integrity as truth-tellers. They have no desire to deceive or mislead anyone. That’s not why they pursued this career. Each day they work to combat misinformation, fact check their stories and simply report truth. They care about their community. They care about the truth.

When we receive questionable or unconfirmed information from a caller, while we are out in the community, in an email or on social media, we check and double check it. If we can’t verify, we don’t publish it until we can. 

So, once again, we encourage you to be careful where you get news and information. 

Social media is not a trustworthy source, especially when it comes to important things, such as everyone’s health and well-being.

We work hard every day so you can trust your local newspaper.