Readjustment of Tift I-75 interchange in preconstruction by GDoT

Published 5:11 pm Friday, February 7, 2025

TIFTON — The Georgia Department of Transportation is planning renovations for the interchange of I-75 at Chula Brookfield Road.

Plans by the state department for expanding and modernizing the overpass and interchange are currently in preconstruction as part of several projects being pursued by the organization through the Transportation Investment Act.

William Eastin, TIA regional coordinator, explained that the development will see the interchange widened and extended, accommodating an interstate widening project from several years ago that expanded the road from four lanes to six, but failed to modify the interchanges or overpasses.

Eastin noted that this had brought the outside lane too close to the barriers, walls, and columns of bridges, overpasses, and interchanges, which the current project would seek to rectify and create an adequate clear zone.

The development would additionally modernize the interchange by extending the exit and entrance lanes branching off from the interstate, giving drivers coming off the road more time to safely slow down and those coming onto it more time to safely speed up, and by replacing the overpass bridge, he reported.

Currently, a review of the preliminary field plan for the project has been conducted, and the initial right of way plans have been approved.

Eastin estimated the project would total around $17.5 million to be funded through regional TSPLOST and state construction funds, with a let date, in which the state Department of Transportation would award the bid to a suitable contractor, tentatively set for December of 2027.