Early voting underway for local elections

Published 8:00 am Sunday, October 13, 2019

TIFTON — Early voting for the local elections in November will begin on Monday, Oct. 14.

Tifton residents will have the opportunity to vote for the office of mayor, the city council member representing district 2 and the city council member representing district 4.

The district 4 race is between incumbent Frank Sayles, Jr. and M. Jay Hall.

Mayor Julie Smith is running unopposed, as is Jack Folk, the council member for district 2.

Omega has two seats up for reelection: the office of mayor, which is currently held by Ray Hunt, Jr., and the city council seat representing Post 5, which is currently held by Ernest Harris. Both have qualified for the election.

Chuck White has also qualified to run for mayor and Delonda Holly Allen has also qualified to run for Post 5.

For Tifton residents, early voting runs Oct. 14 through Nov. 1, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. All early voting takes place at the Tift County Board of Elections office, located at 222 Chesnutt Avenue, Building B.

Absentee mail ballots may be requested by calling (229) 386-7915 or emailing shekia.holley@tiftcounty.org.

Omega residents may early vote at Omega City Hall Oct. 14 through Nov. 1 from 9 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. at 5518 Alabama Ave., Omega.

Election Day is Nov. 5.

To find registration status, sample ballots, elected official contact information, mail ballot status and election day polling place information visit the “My Voter Page” at www.sos.ga.gov/mvp.

Edit: An earlier version of the story stated incorrect hours for Omega City Hall. The story has been corrected and The Tifton Gazette regrets the error.