Three nursing graduates receive top awards at pinning ceremony

Published 4:00 pm Tuesday, May 28, 2019

TIFTON — Three nursing graduates from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College received the top awards presented by the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at the recent nurses’ pinning ceremony in Gressette Gymnasium on the ABAC campus.

Sydney Vaughn from Macon received the Carillion Award, Kristia Powell from Tifton received the Clinical Excellence Award, and Andrew Underwood from Moultrie received the Dedication to Nursing Award.

A total of 76 students received associate degree pins, and 11 students received bachelor’s degree pins at the ceremony.  Carol Smith, senior vice president, acute care and chief nursing officer at Tift Regional Health System, was the keynote speaker.

Dr. Jaibun Earp, dean of the ABAC School of Nursing and Health Sciences, said the Carillion Award goes to the student with the highest grade-point average among the graduates. Colquitt Regional Medical Center (CRMC) sponsored the award, and CRMC Vice President Dawn Johns presented it.

The Clinical Excellence Award recognizes a student who demonstrated excellence in evidence-based clinical practice and patient-centered care.  The award was sponsored by Tift Regional Medical Center, and Smith presented it.

The Dedication to Nursing Award was presented by Janie Avery from South Georgia Medical Center, which sponsored the award.

Lisa Purvis Allison Spirit of Nursing award recipients recognized at the ceremony were Lillie Turner from Twin City, Mavis Campbell from Lawrenceville, and Kristen Garrett from Sycamore.  These scholarship awards honor the memory of Lisa Purvis Allison who began the nursing program at ABAC as a single parent of two children following the accidental death of her husband.

Despite being diagnosed with colon cancer during her final year in the nursing program, Allison completed her degree, passed her state board exam, and became a registered nurse. She passed away soon afer accomplishing her goal.  

A scholarship fund in her honor was developed to assist students in fulfilling their dreams of becoming nurses.