ABAC president visits Colquitt County
Published 9:47 am Saturday, October 8, 2022
- Moultrie City Manager Pete Dillard and ABAC President Tracy Brundage at a reception in her honor in Moultrie.
TIFTON — Dr. Tracy Brundage, the new president of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, experienced the hospitality of Moultrie and Colquitt County recently with a reception in her honor at the former ABAC on the Square location and a tour of the community.
“Colquitt County and Moultrie have always supported ABAC through the years and I was glad to get some insight on just how ABAC has impacted this area,” Brundage said. “Of the 155 counties in Georgia that send students to ABAC every year, Colquitt County is behind only Tift County.
“Colquitt County is also home to more ABAC alumni than any other county besides Tift County. I have done my homework. Moultrie and Colquitt County are integral to the success of ABAC.”
Brundage is the former president of Keystone (Pa.) College. She assumed the ABAC presidency on Aug. 1. A Scranton, Pa., native, Brundage is the 11th president in the history of ABAC and the first female ABAC president, college officials said in a statement.
Moultrie City Manager Pete Dillard welcomed Brundage at the reception.
“Moultrie and Colquitt County want to continue to have a strong relationship with ABAC,” Dillard said to an audience that included ABAC alumni, former ABAC administrators, faculty and staff, and leaders from the community.