American Legion preps for 87th run of Coastal Plains Fair

Published 5:21 pm Thursday, November 2, 2023

TIFTON — Carnival fun is inbound for Tifton as the 21st American Legion prepares to bring the community another year of the Coastal Plains Fair.

Tifton residents will be invited to the American Legion Fairgrounds for classic festivities, rides, and games when the fair’s gates open the evening of Nov. 7.

Begun in 1936 through the efforts of the original members of the 21st American Legion wanting to give their community something to enjoy, the fair has been a staple of the autumn season every year since, now marking its 87th consecutive run with this upcoming showing.

Dale Gay, fairgrounds manager, stated that the fair will have rides, attractions, and fair food galore for the community to enjoy, including a petting zoo and the return of the Dominguez Family Circus.

Armbands allowing for unlimited ride access will be available for purchase at the gate every night of the week, at $20 Tuesday through Thursday and $25 Friday through Sunday.

Exhibits from various groups in the community, including local schools, civic clubs, and Griffin Ford, will be on display in the fairgrounds building, which patrons can sample as they head into the fair.

“We have a bunch of rides, we’re gonna have a bunch of games, a bunch of food vendors, the weather’s going to be alright–it’s not going to be too hot, it’s not going to be too cold,” Gay said. “It’s going to be a good, good week to come out and enjoy yourself at the fair.”

All proceeds from the fair will be funneled back into the community to support veterans, their families, and the youths of the county through a variety of programs and initiatives.

The Coastal Plains Fair will be open Nov. 7 through Nov. 9 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Nov. 10 from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m., Nov. 11 from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m., and Nov. 12 from 1 to 7 p.m. Entry is $5, but will provide free admission to the Dominguez Family Circus.

Gay reported that patrons will be checked for possession of weaponry at the gate, out of concerns for increased security. A ribbon cutting and flag raising ceremony will be held on opening night, just before the gates open.

For more information, contact the 21st American Legion at (229) 392-2632 or Dale Gay at (229) 406-5089.