City council approves study on South Tifton Historic District
Published 4:00 pm Wednesday, August 28, 2019
- Kendra Gannaway being sworn in to the Tifton-Tift County Public Library Board by Mayor Julie Smith.
TIFTON — The Tifton City Council voted unanimously to approve a study to include South Tifton in the Tifton Historic District at the Aug. 19 meeting.
A request to designate South Tifton as a historic district was presented at the Aug. 5 workshop meeting by Dr. Homer Day, Tift County Commissioner Melissa Hughes and Ambrose King. The new historic district for South Tifton would be similar to the district that was created 30 years ago for parts of Tifton north of Hwy 83.
A set of guidelines for the new district would need to be developed which would preserve the distinct historic and cultural nature of the neighborhoods in the South Tifton district.
The council unanimously approved several other agenda items, which included:
• De-obligating CDBG Redevelopment Grant Funds for the Commerce Way Project.
• Approval of the 2018-2019 Annual Report.
• Authorizing the Tifton Police Department to apply for state certification through the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.
• Approval of server equipment purchases.
• Authorizing the city manager to execute the agreement with Mauldin & Jenkins for the annual audit.
• Granting enterprise zone incentives for 210 8th St.
Kendra Gannaway was sworn in to the Tifton-Tift County Public Library Board at the meeting.