County, residents oppose crypto mining

Published 7:00 am Friday, June 24, 2022

TIFTON — Cryptocurrency mining brought residents and county leaders to agreement during a recent meeting – they oppose the practice.

A proposition to amend the Tift County unified development code to allow crypto mining on county properties was among the items slated to be discussed at a recent Tift County Commission meeting.

Though it was removed from the agenda before the meeting, Tift County residents voiced their concerns about the potential presence of crypto mining near their homes.

Julie Lester said she was aware there is no official ban on cryptocurrency mining but added Tift residents do not want it practiced in the county and hopes county leaders would follow suit.

Christine Tibbetts said she spoke on behalf of 45 people who had signed a petition against cryptocurrency which was presented at a recent planning and zoning commission meeting. She suggested that written standards be implemented to confound cryptocurrency mining or that a ban be implemented instead, noting either would severely limit or even fully prevent future applications.

Hubert Wood expressed his concern about the extensive resources that would have to go into supporting a cryptocurrency mining facility, such as power or water, but appreciated the County Commission for supporting and protecting residents by opposing cryptocurrency mining operations.

County Manager Jim Carter said cryptocurrency facilities are impossible within county limits, as they are not listed in the county code regarding permissible uses of property. He added the original agenda item had been to consider revising code to allow crypto facilities but was withdrawn.

However, he assured residents that the county had no interest in ever considering such a revision or ever allowing cryptocurrency mining facilities in Tift County. Had the application not been withdrawn, it would have been met with a resounding “no,” he said.

District 1 Commissioner Donnie Hester said the people who spoke are constituents of his district and thanked them for sharing their thoughts and opinions. He promised them that he would continue fighting for his constituents and working to serve them in the future.