Rock the Block celebrates Tifton’s 150th birthday
Published 12:00 pm Sunday, July 3, 2022
- A Toast to Tifton at Rock the Block.
TIFTON — For the second straight year, rain threatened to interfere with Tifton’s annual Rock the Block celebration downtown but then the rainbow appeared Friday evening and the skies cleared.
The timing could not have been any more perfect. As Mayor Julie Smith was taking the stage to welcome attendees to Rock the Block and to celebrate Tifton’s 150th birthday, the colorful arc became visible above Smith.
Smith joked about the rainbow’s timing during her speech, which saw her toast Tifton and sing “Happy Birthday” to the city, along with Tyron Spearman. The city turns 150 years old in 2022.
Everyone was requested to lift their glass for the toast.
“There are good cities and bad cities,” Smith said. “Small cities and cities that are too big for me but the greatest city is the Friendly City and may that always be. Happy birthday, Tifton! Cheers, here’s to you!”
Free slices of several birthday cakes, provided by Cole’s Cakery, were available to Rock the Block attendees.
Each event this year has honored different aspects, Smith said. In June, agriculture was celebrated. In July, the honors go to the men and women of the military.
“For those of you who served,” Smith said, “on behalf of the City of Tifton, we thank you for your service. Your service means so much, not only to your country, but certainly to this community.”
Before and after Smith’s song and toast to Tifton, live music was provided by the Page Brothers and Emerald Empire Band, a mix of blues and classic rock.
A variety of food vendors served long lines of customers on Commerce Way, just down the street from The Edge’s axe-throwing truck and two lines of classic cars, one on Commerce and another on 3rd Street. By city hall were giant inflatable water slides, allowing children damp from the rain to get even wetter.
As Rock the Block ended, Tifton residents were treated to a fireworks show. At about 9:15 p.m., fireworks were launched above the Tift County Recreation Department, a spectacle that lasted about 20 minutes.