Beeman named acting city manager

Published 3:17 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2022

TIFTON — As Tifton’s search for a city manager continues, Emily Beeman will fill the space that Pete Pyrzenski will leave.

Tifton City Council voted unanimously to appoint Beeman to the position of acting city manager at a special called meeting Oct. 11. She will fill the vacancy that will be left by Pyrzenski Oct. 14, as he moves to take a position with the Georgia Municipal Association.

Beeman has served as deputy city manager and human resources coordinator.

She will serve as acting city manager to keep city operations running smoothly during the search for a new city manager.

At a previous called meeting Sept. 22,City Council moved to conduct negotiations with Michael Stewart to appoint him as interim city manager, as well as work with the consultation firm the Mercer Group to further their scouting efforts. Both are expected to continue as Beeman steps into the role of acting city manager.